Be smart about using tools and wireless network devices need to be secured and password protected all the time Be mindful of data privacy and confidentiality. It is very very important that we do not let family or guests use company devices. It is vital we keep the data secure, client systems and networks secured and protected. It is very important to watch out for scams, keeping the devices updated and minding our browsing habits. Remember your work stations are the property of your organization and they need to be duly protected and data kept confidential and gadgets kept away from children or personal use. Slowly and steadily things will fall in place So stay strong, hang in there and just do what ever is in your circle of influence. However overwhelming things and circumstances are, please remember that this too shall pass. Transparent and clear communication will help both business and home Expecting them to understand things that are important for you will become wrong assumption. Take time to talk to people in these uncertain and anxious times. Working from home doesn't mean that you stop all communication with your family. You also need to prioritize and keep your every day tasks organized in order not to miss out on any thing that needs your attention. Staying focused on your work, home demands and your health is very important during pandemic. Do not complain and crib about the smaller inconveniences. First and foremost be grateful that you still have jobs and have the possibility to work from home. You have to inform you business stakeholders on any possibility of children popping up on calls, dogs barking, and other noises that are possible as we are all adjusting to the new normal with the limited spaces of home and had to adapt quickly to the changing demands of the work life balance Keep the family/friends/ calls disturbances very minimal and as needed. You should finish all the house work before the business hours and stay focused at work once it starts. Your family members should be informed on your working hours and working from home does not mean working for home. I do not know that part, for I never had such requests to my goddess whom I strongly believe will always protect me and guide me in the right path and the life I deserve. It is also said that while you do this process, what ever you wish for also happens. Probably that is the reason why hundreds of people visit this place and do this ritual. We also felt that it gave an uplift to our home, kept the evil spirits away and actually made us feel good. As you bring this garland and we started tying it to the front door, we felt that as the flowers dried for the week, it was actually taking away all the negative energy of the house. This temple has a 'Maha Meru Sri Chakram 'that is placed in front of the Goddess and is very powerful. The flowers actually denote fragrances of life and the reason they are used in Hindu prayers and are decorated to the God and Goddess is that they bring in an auro of positivity.
People throng in this temple with the flower garlands on Full Moon days from morning to night 8 pm and after the 'mala'- garland is offered as you enter the temple, it is placed on the deity as the continious archanai's go on and after you finish your prayers, you can actually take one garland on a token while coming out and take that home. That is the reason, I wanted to share this post with you all! There are no specific asks on my offerings to the Goddess, but I strongly believed that she will give me what I deserve. More than anything else, I felt a lot of positive vibes and absolute energy flow that gave me a strong inner strength.Īs I made it a practice, I started having this sense of happiness and when I used to sit in the temple for a short meditation, I started having vibrations that I initially felt in Aurobindo Ashram many years ago. Though I initially felt it may not be possible to do every single month as full moon days may fall on work days. However, few years ago, my favorite aunt, very earnestly asked me to visit this temple, that too specifically on every full moon day and offer a flower garland to the goddess. Generally, I follow my own way of prayers and rituals as a Hindu and I respect my traditions and customs that define the values we were injected with as Hinduism is a way of Life.